Equine CranioSacral Therapy

As the saying goes, “Pain is Stress and Stress is Pain.” To eliminate one, we must eliminate the other. Both exist on a neurological level and throughout the sympathetic nervous system. When our horses have either, this can cause anxiety, anxiousness, discomfort, dissociation (heightened state of fight/flight/freeze) which can then lead to inflammation and or disease.

Horses and Ponies are similar to humans; they can store for years, buried deep within, the effects of past traumas, injuries, and bad memories; which should have been processed and either released, or integrated at the time, but were instead ‘shelved’ whilst the initial recovery took place.

After time these can become, and remain locked in; thereby preventing the horse from becoming free again and moving on.

CranioSacral is an energy-based therapy using light contact like acupressure. There is no physical manipulation to the bones and tissues. While specific attention is given to the cranium, spine and sacrum, treatment is not limited to these areas due to the way the body is connected. 

Craniosacral therapy for horses focuses on restoring balance throughout the structure and the rest of the body, meaning that it can reconnect the horse with its own natural process of allowing the gentle unwinding and release of what needs to go. Relief! 

Horse nervous system, computer illustration.

Application of CranioSacral Therapy

Before we begin, we like to spend a few minutes watching the behavior of a horse moving out while in a round pen or arena, watching the eyes, ears, tail, head and body.  We then carefully look over the horses body structure including mouth, teeth, nose, eyes and hooves. We also look for cuts, scars, and tattoos/brands, as these have been known to hold trauma, negative emotions and/or disease. Once we have located the primary lesion, we apply specific hands-on techniques to the horse’s body to release restrictions to the musculoskeletal system and in the fascia, a tissue that weaves the whole body together like a spider web. Once the lesion is released, the horse will start to unwind (roll, shake, yawn, lick, chew, etc.). Sometimes multiple lesions may be found depending on the horse, therefore we may work on multiple lesions that day. 

*Bioregulation therapy, bioenergetic testing, EFT, herbal and/or oil testing, Trust Technique therapy can also be applied during this time if needed.

When it comes to our clients, we want the best for them-that goes for our horses too! Our horses are part of our business and our family, therefore they get treated with TLC-yours should too!